Gakuyui-ini Coffee Factory is located in Cenrtal Province, Kirinyaga District in Ngariama location of Gichugu Division near Kianyaga town. Gakuyui-ini Coffee factory is run by Peter MureithI, the factory manager with 10 permanent members of staff and numerous seasonal workers who are hired on a need basis. The number of seasonal workers varies from year to year depending on the crop harvested. During the peak season, the factory employs about 30 while on off-peak at most 2 seasonal workers are retained. Some of the operations undertaken at the factory include weighing coffee, selection, grading of coffee, soaking, washing, drying, sorting, paying farmers and addressing farmers’ complaints. In line with the rising awareness on the need torconserve the environment the factory has adopted several initiatives. Among these are waste water soak pits located away from water sources where the waste water is allowed to percolate back into the soil. Additionally, farmers are urged to plant trees within their farms and use compost manure.


GOOD TO KNOW: The vey best Kenyan coffees have pretty much originated from cooperatives (also known as “factories”) in Kenya. Most cooperative offerings are impeccable, as the system for processing has grown to be very efficient.